Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association Local 11
Safety in the Air Begins with Quality Maintenance on the GroundBe involved with your future!
Representing members at Southwest Airlines
Latest News
Download:2025 MARCH GMM Notice.docx
Watermark Wealth Strategies, LLC Retirement Planning/ Investing Dates will be February 18th, 19th and 20TH. See attachments for details. @media only screen and (max-width: 730px){ .pdfview{height:500px .
AMFA LOCAL 11 2025 JACK COONROD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND PURPOSE: Realizing the importance of education AMFA Local 11, with the approval of its membership, has established a scholarship fund for the purposes of assisting its members and their dependents in defraying the cost of continuing education.
Please click on attachment to read the Notes from the Secretary.
Download:Secretary Notes January 2025.pdf
Download:L11 Year End Pres Rpt 2024.pdf
National President’s Update
View the update from Bret Oestreich here.
AMFA Links
AMFA National Legislative Updates (Requires secure login; register on that page to get access)
The mission of the AMFA PAC is to help advance the legislative agenda of The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association by opening political doors and providing further access to policymakers. This access delivers opportunities to express our well-reasoned viewpoints to mobilize change on the issues of the day, like foreign outsourcing, workforce development, safety and security, and emerging technologies.
Get the AMFA App!
AMFA has a smartphone app for its members. Available for both Android and Apple, the app is a quick link to the latest news and information from your union. The app also provides you with your AMFA Number when you are registered and logged in. With built-in Grievtrac access, the app gives our contract representatives private access to file grievances on behalf of our members.